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Gregorian semiology

Sous-total18,01 €
TVA 5.5%0,99 €
Prix19,00 €




135x205 mm
253 pages
Dom Eugène CARDINE
Gregorian semiology

(English edition)

This volume is for musicologists seeking to comprehend the way in which gregorian chant was written. A complete study is made of the history and formation of the different musical signs which make up this unique musical notation. Several ancient manuscripts are used as a base for this comprehensive and exciting overview of the writing which came to be known as "gregorian chant".


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Dom Eugène CARDINE

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Cours donné aux étudiants de l'Institut pontifical de musique sacrée de Rome.

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(edizione italiana)

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TVA 5.5%0,52 €
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English translation with editorial comments by W. Tortolano.
G.I.A. Publications


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Cette vue d'ensemble est le fruit d'une étude initialement publiée dans les Études grégoriennes en 1977.

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English Translation by dom Gregory Casprini

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Conseils utiles au maître de choeur.

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(edizione italiana)

6,00 €
Sous-total5,69 €
TVA 5.5%0,31 €
Prix6,00 €

English edition.

6,00 €
Sous-total5,69 €
TVA 5.5%0,31 €
Prix6,00 €

Edición española.

6,00 €
Sous-total5,69 €
TVA 5.5%0,31 €
Prix6,00 €